Hatje Cantz Verlag | Stuttgart, 2019
Hg. Alejandro Cesarco
With texts by Konrad Bitterli, Valentina Liernur, Karin Schneider, Ines Katzenstein
176 pages (German/English) | 134 illustrations
ISBN 978-3-7757-4495-9
EUR 34.00
«Picture This» presents an expansive non-chronological introduction to Alejandra Seeber’s (*1968, Buenos Aires) artistic practice. From «Tablecloth», 1991 to «surfer», 2018, the book tracks the artist̕s aesthetic concerns and strategies as she negotiates and undoes a number of dominating structural binaries such as high/low, abstraction/figuration, modern/postmodern, and center/periphery. The book presents Seeber’s intuitive, rigorous, humorous, seductive, ever-changing painting practice – together with installations and objects – and includes a conversation between Valentina Liernur and the artist.
The publication was co-produced by Häusler Contemporary.